wildlife biologist, conservationist, writer
Photo taken by Kalyanee Mam in 2018 in Bossou, Guinea
IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group
The Section on Great Apes (SGA)
In 2003, I worked with IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Chair Dr. Russel Mittermeier to launch a new group specifically focused on Great Apes. This new "Section on Great Apes," is now a 100 plus member group of the leading experts in great ape conservation on the planet.
In 2006, this group was then led by Dr. Elizabeth Williamson successfully for over ten years, followed by Liz Macfie and now our new Vice Chair as of 2019 is Dirck Byler. I continue to serve the SGA as Desputy Vice Chair and on the Executive Commitee.
Please click here for further information about the SGA.
The ARRC* Task Force of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group
*A - Avoidance
R - Reduction
R - Rehabilitation
C - Compensation
In 2016 I helped to launch a new Task Force of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group that works at the interface of Apes and Energy, Extractives and Associated Infrastructure Projects and the banks that fund them, to avoid, reduce, rehabilitate and compensate for the damages of their activities on great apes.
Please click here for more information.